The Cost of Obedience - 1-30-18
Ruth opens this evening's church gathering with songs and praises to God. Hands are clapping. A tambourine jingles. Bodies are moving in time to the music, keeping step with the Spirit. Ruth and the other musicians switch from English to Spanish and back again. Every time she switches to Spanish, it as if the small congregation receives new fuel. They sing enthusiastically. “Send the rain and open the floodgates of heaven.” Our team is asked to share and many of us take a turn up front, sharing what God has been showing us. We look out on a see of faces. Young and old. Men and women. Latinos and Non-Latinos. The people have made us feel so welcome, we feel like family. Steve Slyder tells the story of the beggar at the temple who had nothing and was asking for money and how Peter came and by the power of God, healed the beggar. God gave the beggar one hundred times over what he asked for, Steve says. That's what he's doing here for us. We didn't know what to exp...